La Biblioteca del Banco Central del Uruguay se fundó en 1967, integrándose con una colección de libros proveniente del Banco de la República, que se ha ido incrementando a través de los años, hasta llegar en el momento actual a 7.700 volúmenes aproximadamente, 200 títulos de publicaciones periódicas, bases de datos en CD Rom, publicaciones de organismos nacionales e internacionales y publicaciones producidas por el Banco Central.
La Biblioteca está especializada en Economía, poniendo el énfasis en monetaria, finanzas, estadística, econometría y teoría económica. Además, apoya al Banco Central en sus funciones y está abierta a investigadores externos a la Institución, profesionales y estudiantes de Economía y Finanzas.
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Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime [libro] / Arthur M. Berd, editor . - London : Risk Books, 2010 . - xlv, 605p. ISBN : 978-1-906348-47-2 Incluye índice.
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en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd
en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd The Credit Crunch of 2007: What Went Wrong? Why? What Lessons Can be Learned? [capítulo] / John C. Hull, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 3-22. |
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en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd
en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd Underwriting versus Economy: A New Approach to Decomposing Mortgage Losses [capítulo] / Ashish Das, autor ; Roger M. Stein, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 23-48. |
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en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd
en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd The Shadow Banking System and Hyman Minsky's Economic Journey [capítulo] / Paul McCulley, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 49-64. |
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en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd
en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd The Collapse of the Icelandic Banking System [capítulo] / René Kallestrup, autor ; David Lando, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 65-120. |
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en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd
en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd The Quant Crunch Experience and the Future of Quantitative Investing [capítulo] / Bob Litterman, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 121-126. |
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en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd
en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd No Margin for Error: The Impact of the Crisis on Derivatives Markets [capítulo] / Jeffrey Rosenberg, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 129-166. |
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en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd
en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd The Re-Emergence of Distressed Exchanges in Corporate Restructurings [capítulo] / Edward I. Altman, autor ; Brenda J. Karlin, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 167-184. |
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en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd
en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd Modelling Systemic and Sovereign Risks [capítulo] / Dale F. Gray, autor ; Andreas A. Jobst, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 187-230. |
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en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd
en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd Measuring and Managing Risk in Innovative Financial Instruments [capítulo] / Stuart M. Turnbull, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 231-264. |
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en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd
en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd Forecasting Extreme Risk of Equity Portfolios with Fundamental Factors [capítulo] / Vladislav Dubikovsky, autor ; Michael Y. Hayes, autor ; Lisa R. Goldberg, autor ; Ming Liu, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 265-280. |
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en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd
en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd Limits of Implied Credit Correlation Metrics Before and During the Crisis [capítulo] / Damiano Brigo, autor ; Andrea Pallavicini, autor ; Roberto Torresetti, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 283-318. |
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en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd
en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd Another View on the Pricing of MBSs, CMOs, CDOs of ABSs [capítulo] / Jean-David Fermanian, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 319-346. |
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en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd
en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd Pricing of Credit Derivatives with or without Counterparty and Collateral Adjustments [capítulo] / Alexander Lipton, autor ; David Shelton, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 347-378. |
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en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd
en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd A Practical Guide to Monte Carlo CVA [capítulo] / Alexander Sokol, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 379-406. |
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en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd
en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd The Endogenous Dynamics of Markets: Price Impact, Feedback Loops and Instabilities [capítulo] / Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 409-438. |
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en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd
en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd Market Panics: Correlation Dynamics, Dispersion, and Tails [capítulo] / Lisa Borland, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 439-454. |
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en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd
en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd Financial Complexity and Systemic Stability in Trading Markets [capítulo] / Matteo Marsili, autor ; Kartik Anand, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 455-492. |
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en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd
en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd The Martingale Theory of Bubbles: Implication for the Valuation of Derivatives and Detecting Bubbles [capítulo] / Robert A. Jarrow, autor ; Philip Protter, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 493-512. |
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en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd
en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd Managing through a Crisis: Practical Insights and Lessons Learned for Quantitatively Managed Equity Portfolios [capítulo] / Peter J. Zangari, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 515-544. |
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en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd
en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd Active Risk Management: a Credit Investor's Perspective [capítulo] / Vineer Bhansali, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 545-564. |
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en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd
en Lessons from the Financial Crisis : Insights from the Defining Economic Event of Our Lifetime / Arthur M. Berd Investment Strategy Returns: Volatility, Asymmetry, Fat Tails and the Nature of Alpha [capítulo] / Arthur M. Berd, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 565-594. |
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