La Biblioteca del Banco Central del Uruguay se fundó en 1967, integrándose con una colección de libros proveniente del Banco de la República, que se ha ido incrementando a través de los años, hasta llegar en el momento actual a 7.700 volúmenes aproximadamente, 200 títulos de publicaciones periódicas, bases de datos en CD Rom, publicaciones de organismos nacionales e internacionales y publicaciones producidas por el Banco Central.
La Biblioteca está especializada en Economía, poniendo el énfasis en monetaria, finanzas, estadística, econometría y teoría económica. Además, apoya al Banco Central en sus funciones y está abierta a investigadores externos a la Institución, profesionales y estudiantes de Economía y Finanzas.
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Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis [libro] / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger, editor ; Donato Masciandaro, editor . - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2011 . - xxvi, 642p. ISBN 978-1-84980-313-7. Incluye índice

en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger
en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger Central Banks and the Financial System [capítulo] / Francesco Giavazzi, autor ; Alberto Giovannini, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 3-29. |
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en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger
en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger Monetary Policy Lessons from the Crisis [capítulo] / Athanasios Orphanides, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 30-65. |
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en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger
en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger Reflections on the Crisis and on its Lessons for Regulatory Reforms and for Central Bank Policies [capítulo] / Alex Cukierman, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 66-103. |
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en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger
en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger The Lender of Last Resort : Liquidity Provision versus the Possiblity of Bailourt [capítulo] / Rob Nijskens, autor ; Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 104-131. |
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en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger
en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger Transparency is Not Enough : Central Bank Governance as the Next Frontier [capítulo] / Pierre L. Siklos, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 132-157. |
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en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger
en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger Central Banks and Banking Supervision Reform [capítulo] / Pierre C. Boyer, autor ; Jorge Ponce Moreno, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 158-179. |
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en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger
en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger Institutional Structure and Effectiveness of Central Banks during the Financial Crisis : An Empirical Analysis [capítulo] / Yiwei Fang, autor ; Iftekhar Hasan, autor ; Loretta J. Mester, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 180-207. |
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en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger
en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger New Advantages of Tying One's Hands : banking Supervision, Monetary Policy and Central Bank Independence [capítulo] / Lucia Dalla Pellegrina, autor ; Donato Masciandaro, autor ; Rosaria Vega Pansini, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 208-243. |
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en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger
en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger How Should Central Banks Deal with a Financial Stability Objective? The Evolving Role of Communication as a Policy Instrument [capítulo] / Benjamin Born, autor ; Michael Ehrmann, autor ; Marcel Fratzscher, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 244-267. |
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en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger
en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger Time Varying Monetary Policy Rules and Financial Stress [capítulo] / Jaromir Baxa, autor ; Roman Horváth, autor ; Borek Vasicek, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 268-314. |
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en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger
en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger Defining and Measuring Systemic Risk [capítulo] / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 315-325. |
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en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger
en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger Financial Regulation [capítulo] / Charles A. E. Goodhart, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 326-353. |
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en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger
en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger Out-of-the-Box Thoughts about the International Financial Architecture [capítulo] / Barry Eichengreen, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 354-382. |
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en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger
en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger Safe and Sound Banking : A Role for Countercyclical Regulatory Requirements? [capítulo] / Gerard Caprio, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 383-412. |
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en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger
en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger Quality of Financial Sector Regulation and Supervision Around the World [capítulo] / Martin Cihak, autor ; Alexander Tieman, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 413-453. |
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en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger
en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger Regulating the Regulators : The Changing Face of Financial Supervision Architectures Before and After the Financial Crisis [capítulo] / Donato Masciandaro, autor ; Marc Quintyn, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 454-484. |
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en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger
en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger Will They Sing the Same Tune? Measuring Convergence in the New European Systema of financial Supervisors [capítulo] / Donato Masciandaro, autor ; María J. Nieto, autor ; Marc Quintyn, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 485-530. |
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en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger
en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger How Do Joint supervisors Examine Financial Institutions? The Case of Stae Banks [capítulo] / Marcelo Rezende, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 531-572. |
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en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger
en Handbook of Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision : After the Financial Crisis / Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger Credit Rating Agencies [capítulo] / Jakob de Haan, autor ; Fabian Amtenbrink, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 573-616. |
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