La Biblioteca del Banco Central del Uruguay se fundó en 1967, integrándose con una colección de libros proveniente del Banco de la República, que se ha ido incrementando a través de los años, hasta llegar en el momento actual a 7.700 volúmenes aproximadamente, 200 títulos de publicaciones periódicas, bases de datos en CD Rom, publicaciones de organismos nacionales e internacionales y publicaciones producidas por el Banco Central.
La Biblioteca está especializada en Economía, poniendo el énfasis en monetaria, finanzas, estadística, econometría y teoría económica. Además, apoya al Banco Central en sus funciones y está abierta a investigadores externos a la Institución, profesionales y estudiantes de Economía y Finanzas.
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Financing Innovation in the United States: 1870 to the Present [libro] / Naomi R. Lamoreaux, editor ; Kenneth L. Sokoloff, autor . - Cambridge : The MIT Press, 2007 . - 503p. Incluye cuadros y gráficas. Incluye notas y referencias bibliográficas al final de cada capítulo. Incluye índice. ISBN: 978-0-262-12289-4.

en Financing Innovation in the United States: 1870 to the Present / Naomi R. Lamoreaux
en Financing Innovation in the United States: 1870 to the Present / Naomi R. Lamoreaux Introduction: The Organization and Finance of Innovation in American History [capítulo] / Naomi R. Lamoreaux, autor ; Kenneth L. Sokoloff, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 1-38. |
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en Financing Innovation in the United States: 1870 to the Present / Naomi R. Lamoreaux
en Financing Innovation in the United States: 1870 to the Present / Naomi R. Lamoreaux Financing Invention during the Second Industrial Revolution: Cleveland, Ohio, 1870-1920 [capítulo] / Naomi R. Lamoreaux, autor ; Margaret Levenstein, autor ; Kenneth L. Sokoloff, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 39-84. |
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en Financing Innovation in the United States: 1870 to the Present / Naomi R. Lamoreaux
en Financing Innovation in the United States: 1870 to the Present / Naomi R. Lamoreaux The Organizing and Financing of Innovative Companies in the Evolution of the U.S. Automobile Industry [capítulo] / Steven Klepper, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 85-128. |
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en Financing Innovation in the United States: 1870 to the Present / Naomi R. Lamoreaux
en Financing Innovation in the United States: 1870 to the Present / Naomi R. Lamoreaux Why Did Finance Capitalism and the Second Industrial Revolution Arise in the 1890s? [capítulo] / Larry Neal, autor ; Lance E. Davis, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 129-162. |
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en Financing Innovation in the United States: 1870 to the Present / Naomi R. Lamoreaux
en Financing Innovation in the United States: 1870 to the Present / Naomi R. Lamoreaux Funding New Industries: A Historical Perspective on the Financing Role of the U.S. Stock Market in the Twentieth Century [capítulo] / Mary A. O'Sullivan, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 163-216. |
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en Financing Innovation in the United States: 1870 to the Present / Naomi R. Lamoreaux
en Financing Innovation in the United States: 1870 to the Present / Naomi R. Lamoreaux Stock Market Swings and the Value of Innovation: 1908-1929 [capítulo] / Tom Nicholas, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 217-246. |
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en Financing Innovation in the United States: 1870 to the Present / Naomi R. Lamoreaux
en Financing Innovation in the United States: 1870 to the Present / Naomi R. Lamoreaux Financing Fiber: Corning's Invasion of the Telecommunications Market [capítulo] / Margaret B. W. Graham, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 247-282. |
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en Financing Innovation in the United States: 1870 to the Present / Naomi R. Lamoreaux
en Financing Innovation in the United States: 1870 to the Present / Naomi R. Lamoreaux The Federal Role in Financing Major Innovations: Information Technology during the Postwar Period [capítulo] / Kira R. Fabrizio, autor ; David C. Mowery, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 283-316. |
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en Financing Innovation in the United States: 1870 to the Present / Naomi R. Lamoreaux
en Financing Innovation in the United States: 1870 to the Present / Naomi R. Lamoreaux Learning the Hard Way: IBM and the Sources of Innovation in Early Computing [capítulo] / Steven W. Usselman, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 317-364. |
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en Financing Innovation in the United States: 1870 to the Present / Naomi R. Lamoreaux
en Financing Innovation in the United States: 1870 to the Present / Naomi R. Lamoreaux Trading Knowledge: An Exploration of Patent Protection and Other Determinants of Markets Transactions in Technology and R&D [capítulo] / Ashish Arora, autor ; Marco Ceccagnoli, autor ; Wesley M. Cohen, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 365-404. |
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en Financing Innovation in the United States: 1870 to the Present / Naomi R. Lamoreaux
en Financing Innovation in the United States: 1870 to the Present / Naomi R. Lamoreaux The Governance of New Firms: A Functional Perspective [capítulo] / Josh Lerner, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 405-432. |
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en Financing Innovation in the United States: 1870 to the Present / Naomi R. Lamoreaux
en Financing Innovation in the United States: 1870 to the Present / Naomi R. Lamoreaux Real Effects of Knowledge Capital on Going Public and Market Valuation [capítulo] / Michael R. Darby, autor ; Lynne G. Zucker, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 433-468. |
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