La Biblioteca del Banco Central del Uruguay se fundó en 1967, integrándose con una colección de libros proveniente del Banco de la República, que se ha ido incrementando a través de los años, hasta llegar en el momento actual a 7.700 volúmenes aproximadamente, 200 títulos de publicaciones periódicas, bases de datos en CD Rom, publicaciones de organismos nacionales e internacionales y publicaciones producidas por el Banco Central.
La Biblioteca está especializada en Economía, poniendo el énfasis en monetaria, finanzas, estadística, econometría y teoría económica. Además, apoya al Banco Central en sus funciones y está abierta a investigadores externos a la Institución, profesionales y estudiantes de Economía y Finanzas.
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Structural Economic Analysis Department: Public Finance Workshop: Fiscal Policy: Current Issues and Challenges [libro] . - Perugia : Banca D' Italia, 2007 . - 917p. Papers presentados al Workshop del Banco de Italia. Perugia, 29 - 31 March, 2007.
- Fiscal Rules and the Scope for Stabilisation Policy: The Case of Sweden / Yngve Lindh
- The Cyclical Response of Fiscal Policies in the Euro Area: Why Do Results of Empirical Research Differ so Strongly? / Roberto Golinelli
- Safety Margins in EU Budgetary Surveillance: An Assessment / Lorenzo Codogno
- Procyclicality, Fiscal Dominance, and the Effectiveness of Fiscal Policy in Egypt / Mohamed Hassan
- Public Debt Dynamics in Selected OECD Countries: The Role of Fiscal Stabilisation and Monetary Policy / Harri Hasko
- Fiscal Planning under Uncertainty: The Implications of Economic and Fiscal Uncertainty for Budget Forecasts / Jenna Robbins
- What Affects Fiscal Consolidation?: Some Evidence from OECD Countries / Stéphanie Guichard
- Fiscal Adjustments: Determinants and Macroeconomic Consequences / Manmohan S. Kumar
- Expansionary Fiscal Consolidations in Europe: New Evidence / António Afonso
- Assessing Overall Fiscal Effort in ECA, 1995 - 2004 / Emilia Skrok
- If You Want to Cut, Cut, Don't Talk: The Role of Formal Targets in Israel's Fiscal Consolidation Efforts, 1985 - 2007 / Adi Brender
- The Quality of Fiscal Adjustment and the Long-run Growth Impact of Fiscal Policy in Brazil / Fernando Blanco
- The Lack of Fiscal Consolidation in an Inflationary Economy: Uruguay 1970 - 2006 / Gerardo Marcelo Licandro Ferrando
- Fiscal Rules, Fiscal Councils and All That: Commitment Devices, Signaling Tools or Smokescreens? / Xavier Debrun
- Design Choices for Fiscal Policy Rules / Barry Anderson
- The Value and Reform of Budget Institutions / Stefania Fabrizio
- The Fiscal Policy Framework in China / Liu Lida
- A New Budget Rule for Germany / Elke Baumann
- Do Budget Institutions Matter?: Fiscal Consolidation in the New EU Member States / Carlos Mulas-Granados
- Beyond the SGP: Features and Effects of EU National-level Fiscal Rules / Joaquim Ayuso-i-Casals
20 registros indicados sobre 27, ver los 7 autores
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