La Biblioteca del Banco Central del Uruguay se fundó en 1967, integrándose con una colección de libros proveniente del Banco de la República, que se ha ido incrementando a través de los años, hasta llegar en el momento actual a 7.700 volúmenes aproximadamente, 200 títulos de publicaciones periódicas, bases de datos en CD Rom, publicaciones de organismos nacionales e internacionales y publicaciones producidas por el Banco Central.
La Biblioteca está especializada en Economía, poniendo el énfasis en monetaria, finanzas, estadística, econometría y teoría económica. Además, apoya al Banco Central en sus funciones y está abierta a investigadores externos a la Institución, profesionales y estudiantes de Economía y Finanzas.
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Editorial Banca D' Italia
localizada en Perugia
Documentos disponibles de esta editorial

Research Department Public Finance Workshop: Fiscal Indicators
Contenido :
Título : Research Department Public Finance Workshop: Fiscal Indicators Tipo de documento: libro Editorial: Perugia : Banca D' Italia Fecha de publicación: 2006 Número de páginas: 1154p Nota general: Papers presentados al Workshop del Banco de Italia. Perugia, 30 March - 1 April, 2006. Clasificación: 336 Research Department Public Finance Workshop: Fiscal Indicators [libro] . - Perugia : Banca D' Italia, 2006 . - 1154p.
Papers presentados al Workshop del Banco de Italia. Perugia, 30 March - 1 April, 2006.
Clasificación: 336
- Measuring Cyclically-adjusted Budget Balances for OECD Countries / Nathalie Girouard
- Fiscal Indicators in a rule-based Framework / Robert Boije
- The Missing Cycle in the HP Filter and the Measurement of Cyclically-adjusted Budget Balances / Matthias Mohr
- Fill the Gap - Measurement of the Cyclical Effect on Budgets / Gábor P. Kiss
- Measuring Fiscal Performance in Oil-producing Countries / Fabrizio Balassone
- Cyclical Indicators of Fiscal Policy in Latin American Countries: With Special Reference to Chile / Ricardo Martner
- A Disaggregated Framework for the Analysis of Structural Developments in Public Finances / Jana Kremer
- Decomposing Budget Balances for Austria / Peter Brandner
- Real-Time Determinants of Fiscal Policies in the Euro Area: Fiscal Rules, Cyclical Conditions and Elections / Roberto Golinelli
- Structural Balance and "Structural Effort" / Dan Lévy
- Which Figures to Look: Confusion over Various Fiscal Indicators / Masato Miyazaki
- Public Finance, Employment and Growth in the EU8 / Laszek Kasek
- Estimating the Impact of Public Investment for the United Kingdom: Has the Golden Rule of Public Finance Made a Difference? / Jérôme Creel
- Public Infrastructure and Growth: New Channels and Policy Implications / Pierre-Richard Agénor
- Fundamental Determinants of the Effects of Fiscal Policy / Dennis Botman
- An Empirical Investigation of Fiscal Policy in New Zealand / Iris Claus
- Dynamic Effects of Fiscal Shocks upon Diverse Macroeconomic Variables: A Structural VAR Analysis for Argentina / Ernesto Rezk
- Identifying Fiscal Policy Shocks in Chile and Colombia / Jorge Enrique Restrepo Londoño
- Assessing Fiscal Soundness: Theory and Practice / Nicola Giammarioli
- Debt Sustainability in Emerging Market Countries: A "Fan-chart" Approach / Xavier Debrun
20 registros indicados sobre 32, ver los 12 autoresReserva
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Código de barras Signatura Tipo de medio Ubicación Sección Estado 36315 336 RES 2006 Libro Biblioteca Especializada Colección general Disponible Research Department Public Finance Workshop: Public Debt
Contenido :
Título : Research Department Public Finance Workshop: Public Debt Tipo de documento: libro Editorial: Perugia : Banca D' Italia Fecha de publicación: 2004 Número de páginas: 965p Nota general: Papers presentados al Workshop del Banco de Italia. Perugia, 1 - 3 April, 2004. Clasificación: 336 Research Department Public Finance Workshop: Public Debt [libro] . - Perugia : Banca D' Italia, 2004 . - 965p.
Papers presentados al Workshop del Banco de Italia. Perugia, 1 - 3 April, 2004.
Clasificación: 336
- Public Debt: A Survey of Policy Issues / Fabrizio Balassone
- Fiscal Adjustment in EU Countries: A Balance Sheet Approach / Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti
- Public Debt, Contingent Liabilities and Debt "Tolerance": The Case of Colombia / Sergio Clavijo Vergara
- A Different View on Public Debt: The Government as Financial Investor / Carl Gjersem
- Public Debt in Emerging Markets: Is It Too High? / James Alexander Daniel
- Public Debt Indicators in Latin American Countries: Snowball Effect, Currency Mismatch and the Original Sin / Ricardo Martner
- Fiscal Sustainability and Vulnerability in a Small Open Economy: The Uruguayan Experience / Isabel Rial Pérez
- Fiscal and Generational Imbalances: New Budget Measures for New Budget Priorities / Jagadeesh Gokhale
- The Measurement of Government Debt in the Economic and Monetary Union / Reimund Mink
- Accounting Regimes and Fiscal Rules / Paul Boothe
- The Role of Public Debt in the UK Fiscal Rules / Robert Woods
- The Impact of the EU Fiscal Framework on Economic Activity: A Quantitative Assessment / Alessandro Turrini
- Market-Induced Fiscal Discipline: Is There a Fall-back Solution for Rule Failure? / Fabrizio Balassone
- The Effects of Budget Deficits on Interest Rates: A Review of Empirical Results / Thomas Laubach
- Are Fiscal and Monetary Policies Reflected in Real Yields?: Evidence from a Period of Disinflation and Declining Deficit Targets / Hedva Ber
- Fiscal Policy and Interest Rates in Europe / Riccardo Faini
- Long-Term Budgetary Implications of Tax-Favoured Private Pension Schemes / Pablo Antolín
- Public-Private Partnerships: Implications for Public Finances / Marco Cangiano
- Fiscal Institutions and Sustainability of Public Debt in Germany / Florian Höppner
- Public Debt, Sustainability an the Fiscal Policy Framework of the EMU / Ilkka Kajaste
20 registros indicados sobre 31, ver los 11 autoresReserva
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Código de barras Signatura Tipo de medio Ubicación Sección Estado 36317 336 RES 2004 Libro Biblioteca Especializada Colección general Disponible Research Department Public Finance Workshop: Tax Policy
Contenido :
Título : Research Department Public Finance Workshop: Tax Policy Tipo de documento: libro Editorial: Perugia : Banca D' Italia Fecha de publicación: 2003 Número de páginas: 643p Nota general: Papers presentados al Workshop del Banco de Italia. Perugia, 3 - 5 April, 2003. Clasificación: 336 Research Department Public Finance Workshop: Tax Policy [libro] . - Perugia : Banca D' Italia, 2003 . - 643p.
Papers presentados al Workshop del Banco de Italia. Perugia, 3 - 5 April, 2003.
Clasificación: 336
- Labour Taxation in the European Union: Convergence, Competition, Insurance? / Carlos Martínez-Mongay
- Does It Pay to Work in the United States? / Jagadeesh Gokhale
- How to Evaluate the Benefits from Lower Labour Income versus Capital Income Taxes / Niels Kleis Frederiksen
- Distributional Aspects of Indirect Taxation in Greece: 1988 - 2002 / Georgia Kaplanoglou
- The Distributional Consequences of Progressive Taxation, When Complementary Between Skills Is Important / Ulrik Nodgaard
- Challenging Tax Reform in Japan / Masashi Nagaosa
- Taxation in Australia / Greg Smith
- Tax and Welfare Reforms: Stabilisation and Incentives Effects / Marco Buti
- Tax Reforms and Fiscal Stabilisation in Italy / Maria Rosaria Marino
- Empirical Tax Policy Analysis and Evaluation / Katinka Hort
- An EU Inter-and Intra-National Tax Regime: Some Lessons from the German Federalist Experience / Christian Kastrop
- Income Tax Competition in a Federation: Evidence from a Natural Experiment / Paul Boothe
- To Which Tax Rate Does Investment Respond?: A Synthesis of Empirical Research on Taxation and Foreign Direct Investment / Sjef Ederveen
- Tax Competition vs. Tax Harmonisation in a Dynamic World Economy / Marco Catenaro
- Trade and Tax Policy in the Presence of Market Failures: Lessons from American Regions / Andrew F. Haughwout
- Welfare Effects of Taxation of Income from Capital / Jayasri Dutta
- Tax policy in EMU: A Preliminary Assessment / Fabrizio Balassone
- Capital Income Taxation Under Convergence and EMU: A Framework to Discuss Policy Challenges in a World of High Capital Mobility / Maria Gabriella Briotti
- Tax Reforms in Europe: Objectives and Some Critical Issues / Luigi Bernardi
- The Political Economy of Taxation in CIS Countries / Luca Barbone
20 registros indicados sobre 23, ver los 3 autoresReserva
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Código de barras Signatura Tipo de medio Ubicación Sección Estado 36318 336 RES 2003 Libro Biblioteca Especializada Colección general Disponible Research Department Public Finance Workshop: Public Expenditure
Contenido :
Título : Research Department Public Finance Workshop: Public Expenditure Tipo de documento: libro Editorial: Perugia : Banca D' Italia Fecha de publicación: 2005 Número de páginas: 983p Nota general: Papers presentados al Workshop del Banco de Italia. Perugia, 31 March - 2 April, 2005. Clasificación: 336 Research Department Public Finance Workshop: Public Expenditure [libro] . - Perugia : Banca D' Italia, 2005 . - 983p.
Papers presentados al Workshop del Banco de Italia. Perugia, 31 March - 2 April, 2005.
Clasificación: 336
- Characterizing the Expenditure Uncertainties of Industrial Countries in the 21st. Century / Peter S. Heller
- Public Expenditure and Fiscal Consolidation in Portugal / Jorge Correia da Cunha
- Expenditure Composition and Institutional Reform in Europe: A Policy Perspective / Peter Wierts
- Expenditure Growth, Fiscal Sustainability and Pre-funding Strategies in OECD Countries / Blair Comley
- Raising the Age of Retirement: An Example of Political Ratchet Effect / Mathieu Lefèbvre
- Population Ageing and Public Expenditure Trends in Finland / Helvi Kinnunen
- Four Long-term Scenarios for the Dutch Government and the Health Care Sector / Frits Bos
- Public Expenditure in Slovenia: Past Trends and Current Issues / Andreja Strojan Kastelec
- Identifying the Political Economic Tide Shaping Major Public Expenditure Trends in New Jersey During the Last Decade / Ranjana Madhusudhan
- The Role of the "Quality of Public Finances" in the Context of the Reformed Stability and Growth Pact / Florian Höppner
- Efficiency of Public Spending in Developing Countries: An Efficiency Frontier Approach / Santiago Herrera
- Assessing Education and Health Efficiency in OECD Countries Using Alternative Input Measures / António Afonso
- Assessing Public Sector Efficiency: Issues and Methodologies / Francisco Pedraja-Chaparro
- Public Expenditure and Optimal Government Size in an Endogenous Growth Model: An Analysis of the Case of Argentina / Ernesto Rezk
- Federal Taxes and Tranfers Across Canada: Impact on Families / Marie-Anne Deussing
- The Cross-cohort Distribution of Government Non-retirement Transfers and Its Impact on Working and Earning / Jagadeesh Gokhale
- A Fiscal Policy Framework to Safeguard Public Investment / Annalisa Fedelino
- How Does the Composition of Public Spending Matter?: A Framework Relating Public Spending to Growth, Equity and Poverty-reduction Objectives / Stefano Paternostro
- The Effects of Fiscal Policy in Italy: Estimates with a SVAR Model / Raffaela Giordano
- Public Expenditure and Emerging Fiscal Policy Scenario in India / Ranjit Kumar Pattnaik
20 registros indicados sobre 30, ver los 10 autoresReserva
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Código de barras Signatura Tipo de medio Ubicación Sección Estado 36316 336 RES 2005 Libro Biblioteca Especializada Colección general Disponible Research Department Public Finance Workshop: Fiscal Rules
Contenido :
Título : Research Department Public Finance Workshop: Fiscal Rules Tipo de documento: libro Editorial: Perugia : Banca D' Italia Fecha de publicación: 2001 Número de páginas: 813p Nota general: Papers presentados al Workshop del Banco de Italia. Perugia, 1 - 3 February, 2001. Clasificación: 336 Research Department Public Finance Workshop: Fiscal Rules [libro] . - Perugia : Banca D' Italia, 2001 . - 813p.
Papers presentados al Workshop del Banco de Italia. Perugia, 1 - 3 February, 2001.
Clasificación: 336
- EMU Fiscal Rules: A New Answer to an Old Question? / Fabrizio Balassone
- Fiscal Rules: Useful Policy Framework or Unnecesary Ornament? / George Kopits
- Managing Public Expenditure: Some Emerging Policy Issues and a Framework for Analysis / Paul Atkinson
- Designing Model-Based Fiscal Policy Rules / Javier J. Pérez
- Transparent Frameworks, Fiscal Rules and Policy-Making Under Uncertainty / Andrew Kilpatrick
- The Evolution of The Federal Budget and Fiscal Rules / Richard W. Peach
- The Role of Fiscal Rules in Determining Fiscal Performance / Suzanne Kennedy
- Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interactions Under a Stability Pact / Marco Buti
- The Case for Spending Rules / Philippe Mills
- Balanced Budget Versus Golden Rule: On the Remediability of Fiscal Restrictions / Wolfgang Föttinger
- Postwar Fiscal Rules in the Netherlands: What Can We Learn for EMU? / Ron J. Berndsen
- National and EU Budgetary Rules and Procedures: An Evolving Interaction / Jonas Fischer
- Promoting Fiscal Responsability: Transparency, Rules and Independent Fiscal Authorities / Richard Hemming
- Formal Fiscal Restraints and Budget Processes as Solutions to a Deficit and Spending Bias in Public Finances: US Experience and Possible Lessons for EMU / Rolf Strauch
- Dutch Versus Swedish Budgetary Rules: A Comparison / Willem Heeringa
- New Zealand's Fiscal Policy Framework: Experience and Evolution / John Janssen
- Coalition Governments and Fiscal Policy in the Netherlands / Ted Reininga
- Fiscal Federalism and the Stability and Growth Pact: A Difficult Union / Fabrizio Balassone
- The Financing Arrangements for the Regional (Autonomous) Governments for the Period 1997 - 2001 / Luís Gordo
- The Discussion on a National Stability Pact in Germany / Karsten Wendorff
20 registros indicados sobre 23, ver los 3 autoresReserva
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Código de barras Signatura Tipo de medio Ubicación Sección Estado 36320 336 RES 2001 Libro Biblioteca Especializada Colección general Disponible Research Department Public Finance Workshop: The Impact of Fiscal Policy
PermalinkResearch Department Public Finance Workshop: Fiscal Sustainability
PermalinkResearch Department Public Finance Workshop: Indicators of Structural Budget Balances
PermalinkStructural Economic Analysis Department: Public Finance Workshop: Fiscal Policy: Current Issues and Challenges