La Biblioteca del Banco Central del Uruguay se fundó en 1967, integrándose con una colección de libros proveniente del Banco de la República, que se ha ido incrementando a través de los años, hasta llegar en el momento actual a 7.700 volúmenes aproximadamente, 200 títulos de publicaciones periódicas, bases de datos en CD Rom, publicaciones de organismos nacionales e internacionales y publicaciones producidas por el Banco Central.
La Biblioteca está especializada en Economía, poniendo el énfasis en monetaria, finanzas, estadística, econometría y teoría económica. Además, apoya al Banco Central en sus funciones y está abierta a investigadores externos a la Institución, profesionales y estudiantes de Economía y Finanzas.
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Información del autor
Autor Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor

Intermediate targets and indicators for monetary policy : a critical survey / Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Contenido :
Título : Intermediate targets and indicators for monetary policy : a critical survey Tipo de documento: libro Autores: Federal Reserve Bank of New York, autor Editorial: New York : Federal Reserve Bank of New York Fecha de publicación: [1990] Número de páginas: ii, 473p Nota general: Contiene varios trabajos Clasificación: 332.46 Intermediate targets and indicators for monetary policy : a critical survey [libro] / Federal Reserve Bank of New York, autor . - New York : Federal Reserve Bank of New York, [1990] . - ii, 473p.
Contiene varios trabajos
Clasificación: 332.46
- Possible roles for the monetary base / Ann-Marie Meulendyke
- Monetary aggregares as intermediate targets / John Wenninger
- Liquid asset measures as intermediate targets and indicators for monetary policy / Gabriel S. P. de Kock
- A review of credit measures as a policy variable / Lawrence J. Radecki
- Targeting nominal GNP / Spence Hilton
- Interest rates as targets and indicators for monetary policy / Charles Steindel
- Commodity prices as intermediate targets and information variables / Spence Hilton
- Possible roles of the yield curve in monetary policy / Arturo Estrella
- The use of dollar exchange rates as targets or indicators for U.S. monetary policy / Charles Pigott
- Optimal monetary policy design : rules vs. discretion again / A. Steven Englander
- A review of federal reserve policy targets and operating guides in recent decades / Ann-Marie Meulendyke
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Código de barras Signatura Tipo de medio Ubicación Sección Estado 34289 332.46 FEDi Libro Biblioteca Especializada Colección general Disponible Los déficits y el dólar / Shafiqul Islam
Título : Los déficits y el dólar : puede la teoría explicar los hechos? Tipo de documento: artículo Autores: Shafiqul Islam, autor ; Federal Reserve Bank of New York, autor Editorial: New York : Federal Reserve Bank of New York Fecha de publicación: 22 al 26 de octubre de 1984 Colección: XXI Reunión de Técnicos de Bancos Centrales del Continente Americano. Banco Central del Uruguay, Montevideo num. 26 Clasificación: Articulo / Ponencia / Paper Los déficits y el dólar : puede la teoría explicar los hechos? [artículo] / Shafiqul Islam, autor ; Federal Reserve Bank of New York, autor . - New York : Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 22 al 26 de octubre de 1984. - (XXI Reunión de Técnicos de Bancos Centrales del Continente Americano. Banco Central del Uruguay, Montevideo; 26) .
Clasificación: Articulo / Ponencia / Paper Ejemplares
Código de barras Signatura Tipo de medio Ubicación Sección Estado ningún ejemplar The Role of Central Banks in Economic and Personal Finance Education : Conference Program / National Bank of Poland (NBP) ; Federal Reserve Bank of New York ; European Central Bank ; Congreso: The Role of Central Banks in Economic and Personal Finance Education National Bank of Poland (NBP) (28-29 September 2006)
Título : The Role of Central Banks in Economic and Personal Finance Education : Conference Program Tipo de documento: libro Autores: National Bank of Poland (NBP), autor ; Federal Reserve Bank of New York, autor ; European Central Bank, autor Congreso: Congreso: The Role of Central Banks in Economic and Personal Finance Education National Bank of Poland (NBP) (28-29 September 2006) Editorial: Warsaw : NBP Fecha de publicación: 2006 Número de páginas: 40p Clasificación: 332.11 The Role of Central Banks in Economic and Personal Finance Education : Conference Program [libro] / National Bank of Poland (NBP), autor ; Federal Reserve Bank of New York, autor ; European Central Bank, autor / Congreso: The Role of Central Banks in Economic and Personal Finance Education National Bank of Poland (NBP) (28-29 September 2006) . - Warsaw : NBP, 2006 . - 40p.
Clasificación: 332.11 Reserva
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Código de barras Signatura Tipo de medio Ubicación Sección Estado 37594 332.11 NATr Libro Biblioteca Especializada Colección general Disponible The Role of Central Banks in Economic and Personal Finance Education : Papers and Presentations. Part I / National Bank of Poland (NBP) ; Federal Reserve Bank of New York ; European Central Bank ; Congreso: The Role of Central Banks in Economic and Personal Finance Education National Bank of Poland (NBP) (28-29 September 2006)
Contenido :
Título : The Role of Central Banks in Economic and Personal Finance Education : Papers and Presentations. Part I Tipo de documento: libro Autores: National Bank of Poland (NBP), autor ; Federal Reserve Bank of New York, autor ; European Central Bank, autor Congreso: Congreso: The Role of Central Banks in Economic and Personal Finance Education National Bank of Poland (NBP) (28-29 September 2006) Editorial: Warsaw : NBP Fecha de publicación: 2006 Clasificación: 332.11 The Role of Central Banks in Economic and Personal Finance Education : Papers and Presentations. Part I [libro] / National Bank of Poland (NBP), autor ; Federal Reserve Bank of New York, autor ; European Central Bank, autor / Congreso: The Role of Central Banks in Economic and Personal Finance Education National Bank of Poland (NBP) (28-29 September 2006) . - Warsaw : NBP, 2006.
Clasificación: 332.11
- The Role of Central Banks in Economic and Personal Finance Education / Cathy Minehan
- Strategy & Provision of BOK's Economic Education / Jae-Jin Park
- Economic Education at the National Level : Role of Bank of England / Joseph Ganley
- Economic Knowledge and the Advancement of Economic Education in the United States / William B. Walstad
- Economic Education Portal of the National Bank of Poland / Filip Wojciechowski
- Economic Education Resource Bank - The Online Plataform for Central Banks to Exchange Ideas and Share Expirience / Michal Motyka
- Education as a Way of Building Trust and Effectiveness of Financial System / Dariusz Filar
- The Need for Financial Education / Barbara Smith
- Monetary Policy Simulation Game : Learning About Central Bank / Tomasz Chmielewski
- Financial Education : Challenges before Reserve Bank of India / Alpana Killawala
- Helping financial consumers shop around : The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada's Interactive Tools / Bruno Levesque
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Código de barras Signatura Tipo de medio Ubicación Sección Estado 37595 332.11 NATr pt1 Libro Biblioteca Especializada Colección general Disponible The Role of Central Banks in Economic and Personal Finance Education : Papers and Presentations. Part II / National Bank of Poland (NBP) ; Federal Reserve Bank of New York ; European Central Bank ; Congreso: The Role of Central Banks in Economic and Personal Finance Education National Bank of Poland (NBP) (28-29 September 2006)
Contenido :
Título : The Role of Central Banks in Economic and Personal Finance Education : Papers and Presentations. Part II Tipo de documento: libro Autores: National Bank of Poland (NBP), autor ; Federal Reserve Bank of New York, autor ; European Central Bank, autor Congreso: Congreso: The Role of Central Banks in Economic and Personal Finance Education National Bank of Poland (NBP) (28-29 September 2006) Editorial: Warsaw : NBP Fecha de publicación: 2006 Clasificación: 332.11 The Role of Central Banks in Economic and Personal Finance Education : Papers and Presentations. Part II [libro] / National Bank of Poland (NBP), autor ; Federal Reserve Bank of New York, autor ; European Central Bank, autor / Congreso: The Role of Central Banks in Economic and Personal Finance Education National Bank of Poland (NBP) (28-29 September 2006) . - Warsaw : NBP, 2006.
Clasificación: 332.11
- Implementing Economic and Financial Literacy Programs at the National or Local Levels / Steven R. Malin
- Building Economic Education : Some Notes from the Bank of Mexico's Perspective / Federico Rubli Kaiser
- Gold for the Bold : Poles and Money / Edyta Rojcewicz
- Implementing Economic Education Programs. Remarks From Polish Central Bank Perspective / Marcin Polak
- Bundesbank Money Museum - A Success Story How to Educate Public Opinion About the Central Bank and Money Issues / Heike Winter
- The Fed Challenge : A Program that Works / Steven Malin
- MIDE: Museo Interactivo de Economia - New Economic Education Initiative of Bank of Mexico / Silvia Singer
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Código de barras Signatura Tipo de medio Ubicación Sección Estado 37596 332.11 NATr pt2 Libro Biblioteca Especializada Colección general Disponible U.S. monetary policy and financial markets / Ann-Marie Meulendyke