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COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. [libro] / Jelke G. Bethlehem, editor ; Peter G. M. van der Heijden, autor . - New York : Physica-Verlag, 2000 . - xii, 540p. ISBN 3 7908 1326 5

en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem The broad role of multiple imputation in statistical science [capítulo] / Donald B. Rubin, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 3-14. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem An algorithm for deepest multiple regression [capítulo] / Peter J. Rousseeuw, autor ; Stefan van Aelst, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 139-150. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Official statistics : an estimation strategy for the IT-era [capítulo] / Peter Kooiman, autor ; A. H. Kroese, autor ; Robbert H. Renssen, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 15-28. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Bayesian model selection methods for nonnested models [capítulo] / Francesco Bertolino, autor ; Elías Moreno, autor ; Walter Racugno, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 29-40. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Spatio-temporal hierarchical modeling of an infectious disease from (simulated) count data [capítulo] / Noel Cressie, autor ; Andrew S. Mugglin, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 41-52. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem GBMs : GLMs with bilinear terms [capítulo] / Antoine de Falguerolles, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 53-64. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Generalized calibration and application to weighting for non-response [capítulo] / Jean-Claude Deville, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 65-76. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Methodological issues in data mining [capítulo] / David J. Hand, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 77-86. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Practical data mining in a large utility company [capítulo] / Georges Hébrail, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 87-96. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem HGLMs for analysis of correlated non-normal data [capítulo] / Youngjo Lee, autor ; John A. Nelder, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 97-108. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Bootstrapping impulse responses in VAR analyses [capítulo] / Helmut Lütkepohl, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 109-120. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem An application of TRAMO-SEATS, model selection and out-of sample performance. The Swiss CPI series [capítulo] / Agustín Maravall, autor ; Fernando J. Sánchez, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 121-130. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Spreadsheets as tools for statistical computing and statistics education [capítulo] / Erich Neuwirth, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 131-138. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Non-proportional hazards models in survival analysis [capítulo] / Hans C. van Houwelingen, autor ; Paul H.C. Eilers, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 151-160. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem A spatio-temporal analysis of a field trial [capítulo] / Arûnas Verbyla, autor ; Michelle Lorimer, autor ; Robert Stevens, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 161-174. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Principal component logistic regression [capítulo] / Ana María Aguilera, autor ; Manuel Escabias, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 175-180. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Sieve bootstrap prediction intervals [capítulo] / Andres M. Alonso, autor ; Daniel Peña, autor ; Juan Romo, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 181-186. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Clustering by maximizing a fuzzy classification maximum lilkelihood criterion [capítulo] / Christophe Ambroise, autor ; Gérard Govaert, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 187-192. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Tree-based algorithms for missing data imputation [capítulo] / Maria Jesús Bárcena, autor ; Fernando Tusell, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 193-198. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem MiPy : a system for generating multiple imputations [capítulo] / John Barnard, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 199-204. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem A linear approximation to the wild bootstrap in specification testing [capítulo] / Knut Bartels, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 205-210. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem The size of the largest nonidentifiable outlier as a performance criterion for multivariate outlier identification : the case of high-dimensional data [capítulo] / Charles Becker, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 211-216. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem The influence of data generation and imputation methods on the bias of factor analysis of rating scale data [capítulo] / Coen A. Bernaards, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 217-222. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Model on a population and prediction on another one : a generalized discriminant rule [capítulo] / Christophe Biernacki, autor ; Farid Beninel, autor ; Vincent Bretagnolle, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 223-228. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Disclosure control on multi-way tables by means of the shuttle algorithm : extensions and experiments [capítulo] / Lucia Buzzigoli, autor ; Antonio Giusti, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 229-234. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem An MLE strategy for combining optimally pruned decision trees [capítulo] / Carmela Cappelli, autor ; William D. Shannon, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 235-240. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Semi-parametric models for data mining [capítulo] / Claudio Conversano, autor ; Francesco Mola, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 241-246. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Preliminary estimation of ARFIMA models [capítulo] / Marcella Corduas, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 247-252. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem A collection of applets for visualizing statistical concepts [capítulo] / Paul Darius, autor ; Jean-Pierre Ottoy, autor ; Andrey Solomin, autor ; Olivier Thas, autor ; Bert Raeymakers, autor ; Stefan Michiels, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 253-264. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Non-parametric regression and density estimation under control of modality [capítulo] / P.L. Davies, autor ; Arne Kovac, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 259-270. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Multivariate approaches for aggregate time series [capítulo] / Cristina Davino, autor ; Vincenzo Esposito, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 265-270. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Some space-time models : an application to NO2 pollution in an urban area [capítulo] / S. De Iaco, autor ; Donato Posa, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 271-276. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem SLICE : generalized software for statistical data editing and imputation [capítulo] / Ton de Waal, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 277-282. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Improved PCB inspection : computational issues [capítulo] / Dee Denteneer, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 283-288. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Optimization of the antithetic Gibbs sampler for Gaussian Markov random fields [capítulo] / Johannes M. Dreesman, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 289-284. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Computing zonoid trimmed regions of bivariate data sets [capítulo] / Rainer Dyckerhoff, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 295-300. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Outlier resistant estimators for canonical correlation analysis [capítulo] / Peter Filzmoser, autor ; Catherine Dehon, autor ; Christophe Croux, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 301-306. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Graphical and phase space models for univariate time series [capítulo] / Roland Fried, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 307-312. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem The use of the Tweedie distribution in statistical modelling [capítulo] / Robert Gilchrist, autor ; Denise Drinkwater, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 313-318. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Predictive dimension : an alternative definition to embedding dimension [capítulo] / Dominique Guégan, autor ; Francesco Lisi, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 319-324. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Post-stratification to correct for nonresponse : classification of ZIP code areas [capítulo] / Mark Huisman, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 325-330. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Approximate bayesian inference for simple mixtures [capítulo] / Keith Humphreys, autor ; D. Mike Titterington, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 331-336. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Correlated INAR (1) process [capítulo] / Nikolai Kolev, autor ; Delhi Paiva, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 337-342. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Confidence regions for stabilized multivariate tests [capítulo] / Siegfried Kropf, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 343-348. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Comparison of stationary time series using distribution-free methods [capítulo] / Elizabeth Ann Maharaj, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 349-354. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Generation of boolean classification rules [capítulo] / Roger J. Marshall, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 355-360. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem A statistical package based on Pnuts [capítulo] / Junji Nakano, autor ; Takeshi Fujiwara, autor ; Yoshikazu Yamamoto, autor ; Ikunori Kobayashi, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 361-366. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Generalized regression trees [capítulo] / Marlon Núñez, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 367-372. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Generalized linear mixed models : an improved estimating procedure [capítulo] / Jian-Xin Pan, autor ; Robin Thompson, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 373-378. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem The stochastic dimension in a dynamic GIS [capítulo] / Edzer J. Pebesma, autor ; Derek Karssenberg, autor ; Kor de Jong, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 379-384. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem A Robust Version of Principal Factor Analysis [capítulo] / Greet Pison, autor ; Peter J. Rousseeuw, autor ; Peter Filzmoser, autor ; Christophe Croux, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 385-390. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem TESS : system for automatic seasonal adjustment and forecasting of time series [capítulo] / Albert Prat, autor ; Víctor Gómez, autor ; Ignasi Solé, autor ; Josep M. Catot, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 391-396. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem The BADAME project [capítulo] / Hana Rezanková, autor ; Lubos Marek, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 397-402. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Improving statistics Canada's cell suppression software (CONFID) [capítulo] / Dale A. Robertson, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 403-408. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem The multimedia project MMxSTAT for teaching statistics [capítulo] / Bernd Ronz, autor ; Marlene Muller, autor ; Ulrich Ziegenhagen, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 409-414. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Projection pursuit approach to robust canonical correlation analysis [capítulo] / M. Rosário de Oliveira, autor ; Joao A. Branco, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 415-420. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem A fast algorithm for highly robust regression in data mining [capítulo] / Peter J. Rousseeuw, autor ; Katrien van Driessen, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 421-426. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Optimal classification trees [capítulo] / Petr Savicky, autor ; Jan Klaschka, autor ; Jaromir Antoch, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 427-432. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem GAM spline algorithms : a direct comparison [capítulo] / Michael G. Schimek, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 433-438. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Markov Chaim Monte Carlo methods for handling missing covariates in longitudinal mixed models [capítulo] / Ernst Schuster, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 439-444. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Robust bayesian classification [capítulo] / Paola Sebastiani, autor ; Marco Ramoni, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 445-450. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Social science measurement by means of item response models [capítulo] / Klaas Sijtsma, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 451-456. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Multivariate DLMs for forecasting financial time series, with application to the management of portfolios [capítulo] / Andrew Simpson, autor ; Darren J. Wilkinson, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 457-462. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem An algorithm for the multivariate Tukey median [capítulo] / Anja Struyf, autor ; Peter J. Rousseeuw, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 463-468. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Analyzing and synthesizing information from a multiple-study database [capítulo] / Diverse Populations Collaborative Group, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 469-474. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Bootstrapping neural discriminant model [capítulo] / Masaaki Tsujitani, autor ; Takashi Koshimizu, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 475-480. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem An improved algorithm for the robust PCA [capítulo] / Sabine Verboven, autor ; Peter J. Rousseeuw, autor ; Mia Hubert, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 481-486. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Applying techniques of dynamic programming to sequential mastery testing [capítulo] / Hans J. Vos, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 487-492. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem The introduction of formal structure into the processing of statistical summary data [capítulo] / Andrew J. Westlake, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 493-498. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Validation of association rules by interactive mosaic plots [capítulo] / Adalbert Wilhelm, autor ; Heike Hofmann, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 499-504. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Optimality models for PRAM [capítulo] / Leon Willenborg, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 505-510. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Dealing with real ordinal data : recent advances in analyzing tied, censored, and multivariate observations [capítulo] / Knut M. Wittkowski, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 511-516. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Testing for differences in location : a comparison of bootstrap methods in the small sample case [capítulo] / Karin Wolf-Ostermann, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 517-522. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Two principal points for location mixtures [capítulo] / Wataru Yamamoto, autor ; Nobuo Shinozaki, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 523-528. |
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en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem
en COMPSTAT : proceedings in computational statistics. 14th Symposiuom held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000. / Jelke G. Bethlehem Vector splines and other vector smoothers [capítulo] / Thomas W. Yee, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 529-534. |
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