La Biblioteca del Banco Central del Uruguay se fundó en 1967, integrándose con una colección de libros proveniente del Banco de la República, que se ha ido incrementando a través de los años, hasta llegar en el momento actual a 7.700 volúmenes aproximadamente, 200 títulos de publicaciones periódicas, bases de datos en CD Rom, publicaciones de organismos nacionales e internacionales y publicaciones producidas por el Banco Central.
La Biblioteca está especializada en Economía, poniendo el énfasis en monetaria, finanzas, estadística, econometría y teoría económica. Además, apoya al Banco Central en sus funciones y está abierta a investigadores externos a la Institución, profesionales y estudiantes de Economía y Finanzas.
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Essays in econometrics : collected papers of Clive W.J. Granger. v.1 Spectral nalysis, seasonality, nonlinearity, methodology, and forecasting [libro] / Eric Ghysels, editor ; Norman R. Swanson, editor ; Mark W. Watson, editor . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2001 . - 523p. - (Econometric Society monographs; 32) . ISBN 0 521 79697 0 (set :pbk)
- The ET interview : professor Clive Granger / Eric Ghysels
- Reprinted in the random character of stock market prices / Clive William John Granger
- The typical spectral shape of an economic variable / Clive William John Granger
- Seasonality : causation, interpretation and implications / Clive William John Granger
- Is seasonal adjustment a linear or nonlinear data-filtering process? / Eric Ghysels
- Non-linear time series modeling / Clive William John Granger
- Using the correlation exponent to decide whether an economic series in chaotic / Clive William John Granger
- Testing for neglected nonlinearity in time series models : a comparison of neural network methods and alternative tests / Tae-Hwy Lee
- Semiparametric estimates of the relation between weather and electricity sales / Clive William John Granger
- Time series modeling and interpretation / Clive William John Granger
- On the invertibility of time series models / Clive William John Granger
- The time series approach to econometric model building / Clive William John Granger
- Near normality and some econometric models / Clive William John Granger
- Comments on the evaluation of policy models / Clive William John Granger
- Implications of aggregation with common factors / Clive William John Granger
- Estimating the probability of flooding on a Tidal River / Clive William John Granger
- Prediction with a generalized cost of error function / Clive William John Granger
- Some comments on the evaluation of economic forecasts / Clive William John Granger
- The combination of forecasts / Clive William John Granger
- Invited review : combining forecasts - twenty years later / Clive William John Granger
20 registros indicados sobre 25, ver los 5 autores
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