La Biblioteca del Banco Central del Uruguay se fundó en 1967, integrándose con una colección de libros proveniente del Banco de la República, que se ha ido incrementando a través de los años, hasta llegar en el momento actual a 7.700 volúmenes aproximadamente, 200 títulos de publicaciones periódicas, bases de datos en CD Rom, publicaciones de organismos nacionales e internacionales y publicaciones producidas por el Banco Central.
La Biblioteca está especializada en Economía, poniendo el énfasis en monetaria, finanzas, estadística, econometría y teoría económica. Además, apoya al Banco Central en sus funciones y está abierta a investigadores externos a la Institución, profesionales y estudiantes de Economía y Finanzas.
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The Industrial Organization and Regulation of the Securities Industry [libro] / Andrew W. Lo, editor . - Chicago : University Press, 1996 . - x, 376p. - (A National Bureau of Economic Research conference report) . Papers of a conference held Jan. 20-22, 1994, in Key Largo. Incluye referencias bibliográficas e índices. ISBN 0-22648847-0

en The Industrial Organization and Regulation of the Securities Industry / Andrew W. Lo
en The Industrial Organization and Regulation of the Securities Industry / Andrew W. Lo Regulatory regimes : the interdependence of rules and regulatory structure [capítulo] / William P. Albrecht, autor ; Corinne Bronfman, autor ; Harold C. Messenheimer, autor ; Edward H. Fleischman, comentarista . - [s.d.] . - pp. 9-34. |
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en The Industrial Organization and Regulation of the Securities Industry / Andrew W. Lo
en The Industrial Organization and Regulation of the Securities Industry / Andrew W. Lo Brokerage, market fragmentation, and securities market regulation [capítulo] / Kathleen M. Hagerty, autor ; Robert L. McDonald, autor ; Geoffrey P. Miller, comentarista ; Lawrence E. Harris, comentarista . - [s.d.] . - pp. 35-64. |
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en The Industrial Organization and Regulation of the Securities Industry / Andrew W. Lo
en The Industrial Organization and Regulation of the Securities Industry / Andrew W. Lo Competition, fragmentation, and market quality [capítulo] / Thomas H. McInish, autor ; Robert A. Wood, autor ; Harold Mulherin, comentarista ; John C., Jr. Coffee, comentarista . - [s.d.] . - pp. 63-92. |
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en The Industrial Organization and Regulation of the Securities Industry / Andrew W. Lo
en The Industrial Organization and Regulation of the Securities Industry / Andrew W. Lo An exchange is a many-splendored thing : the classification and regulation of automated trading systems [capítulo] / Ian Domowitz, autor ; Ananth Madhavan, comentarista ; Chris A. Hynes, comentarista . - [s.d.] . - pp. 93-124. |
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en The Industrial Organization and Regulation of the Securities Industry / Andrew W. Lo
en The Industrial Organization and Regulation of the Securities Industry / Andrew W. Lo Transaction costs in dealer markets : evidence from the London stock exchange [capítulo] / Peter C. Reiss, autor ; Ingrid M. Werner, autor ; F. Douglas Foster, comentarista ; Bernard S. Black, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 125-176. |
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en The Industrial Organization and Regulation of the Securities Industry / Andrew W. Lo
en The Industrial Organization and Regulation of the Securities Industry / Andrew W. Lo The effect of integration between broker-dealers and specialists [capítulo] / Robert Neal, autor ; David Reiffen, autor ; Philip H. Dybvig, comentarista ; Michael D. Robbins, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 177-206. |
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en The Industrial Organization and Regulation of the Securities Industry / Andrew W. Lo
en The Industrial Organization and Regulation of the Securities Industry / Andrew W. Lo International regulation of securities markets : competition or harmonization? [capítulo] / Lawrence J. White, autor ; John Y. Campbell, comentarista ; Mary Ann Gadziala, comentarista . - [s.d.] . - pp. 207-242. |
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en The Industrial Organization and Regulation of the Securities Industry / Andrew W. Lo
en The Industrial Organization and Regulation of the Securities Industry / Andrew W. Lo Institutional and regulatory influences on price discovery in cash and futures bond markets [capítulo] / Kenneth J. Singleton, autor ; William P. Albrecht, comentarista ; T. Eric Kilcollin, comentarista . - [s.d.] . - pp. 243-274. |
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en The Industrial Organization and Regulation of the Securities Industry / Andrew W. Lo
en The Industrial Organization and Regulation of the Securities Industry / Andrew W. Lo Market structure and liquidity on the Tokyo stock exchange [capítulo] / Bruce N. Lehmann, autor ; David M. Modest, autor ; Kazuhisa Okamoto, comentarista . - [s.d.] . - pp. 275-316. |
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en The Industrial Organization and Regulation of the Securities Industry / Andrew W. Lo
en The Industrial Organization and Regulation of the Securities Industry / Andrew W. Lo The price, volatility, colume, and liquidity effects of changes in federal reserve margin requirements on both marginable and nonmarginable OTC stocks [capítulo] / Stephen W. Pruitt, autor ; K. S. Maurice Tse, autor ; Archie Craig MacKinlay, comentarista ; Paul H. Kupiec, autor . - [s.d.] . - pp. 317-358. |
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34934 | 332.64 LOi | Libro | Biblioteca Especializada | Colección general | Disponible |